Introduction If you’ve ever tried to take a selfie at a landmark, you know how hard it can be. You find the perfect spot, put on your best outfit and then… nothing. Your face looks blurry, your hair ends up looking crazy or there’s some random person in the background […]

Introduction I’m a huge fan of traveling and sightseeing, but I’m also well aware that most people don’t want to feel like they’re just another tourist at the landmark they’re visiting. That’s why it’s important to plan your trip around a landmark, research the place ahead of time, and manage […]

Introduction If you’re a frequent traveler, you know how easy it is to get stuck in your routine. You book the same vacation every year, always stay at the same hotels and eat at the same restaurants. Why? Because they’re familiar—and because it’s easier than trying something new. But if […]

Introduction Have you ever traveled abroad and been surprised by a gesture that seemed harmless, only to realize later that it was actually offensive? I’ve been there! Whether we’re traveling through airports or exploring the streets of another country, it’s important to remember that what may be acceptable behavior in […]