The Birthplace of The Outback Steakhouse And Where To Find The Most Picturesque Beaches


Australia is a beautiful country that if you visit, you have to go to these places. The Birthplace of The Outback Steakhouse and Where To Find The Most Picturesque Beaches.

The Birthplace Of The Outback Steakhouse

The birth place of the Outback Steakhouse is Tampa, Florida. The first restaurant was opened in 1988 by Chris Sullivan and Bob Basham.

The idea to start an Australian themed restaurant came from a visit that Chris Sullivan took to Australia when he was 19 years old. He decided to open up his own restaurant after enjoying many great meals there during his vacation and seeing how popular they were with tourists from all over the world who visited this beautiful country.

Where To Find The Most Picturesque Beaches

The best beaches in Australia are located on the east coast. The weather is warm and sunny, and it’s easy to find a place to relax.

The best time to visit the beaches is between May and October. This time period has great weather, with temperatures ranging from 70 degrees F (21C) during the day to 50 degrees F (10C) at night. If you visit outside these months, expect rain!

Getting there: You can fly into Sydney or Melbourne airports if you’re coming from America or Europe; otherwise it may be easier if you take a cruise out of Hawaii or Fiji first before transferring onto another flight once you reach Australia’s shores! Once there though all roads lead towards Bondi Beach where surfers compete daily against each other while tourists watch on from above at lookout points along cliff tops overlooking ocean waves breaking below them – offering incredible views while protecting themselves from getting wet 🙂

How long should stay?: Unless otherwise specified by someone else (like your boss), stay as long as possible! We recommend taking advantage of all four seasons since each one offers something unique about itself which makes staying longer worth doing because then everyone gets something different outta each experience 🙂

Australia is a beautiful country that if you visit, you have to go to these places.

Australia is a beautiful country. If you visit, it’s imperative that you go to these places:

  • The Outback Steakhouse in the Outback of Australia
  • The beaches in the Outback of Australia


Australia is a beautiful country that if you visit, you have to go to these places.

Owen Lagatta

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